Thursday, 3 April 2008


I don't know what title to put on this.......I feel a wee bit self-indulgent, but just need to say a bit about how I'm feeling today. Husband is doing well(touch wood) and was out for a wee walk earlier; having a rest before watching the football later on.

Me? I just had the most overwhelming rush of grief at the Duchess being gone.....suddenly missed her so much: I was cuddling her sisters, and it just came over me, and I'd to go away into the bedroom for a cry - still feeling wobbly; just emotional with all that's been happening, I know, but it was so sudden and like a big wave washing over me....quite scary.

I think I'll go and wind a ball of Lorna's Laces, or just have a look through the stash, and feel the wools.....need to do something 'nice'.

1 comment:

Lou said...

This was bound to be expected Claire - after all you have been through the last few weeks - guess this was a sort of 'release' - think of it as your safety valve letting off a bit of steam to keep you safe :0) If you want to do something nice for a few days why not knit us a few hats for Paul O Gradys Save the Children appeal or maybe a couple of preemie cardigans :0) I was back at Fife cat Shelter yeterday with a load of blankets and towels - she is snowed under with moggies at the moment - can't believe how people will just abandon their cats so they can go on holiday (or worse still move house and leave them behind) the mind boggles at the cruelty of folk sometimes :0) Give huby a big hug from all at Loving Hands - we are delighted to hear of his great progress xx