Saturday 17 July 2010

three craws at the Open

well, there were only two.....but allow for some artistic license......

three craws sat upon a wa'
sat upon a wa'
sat upon a wa - a - a- a........
three craws sat upon a wa'
on a windy east course golf course

the first craw went lookin' fur his ba'
looking' fur his ba'
lookin' fur his ba-a-a-a-
the first craw went looking' fur his ba'
on an an east course windy golf course

the second craw said 'Calcavecchi-aw'
the second craw said 'Calcavecchi-aw'
on a windy east course golf course

The third craw said 'ANYONE AT A'!
The third craw said
''ANYONE AT A'!!!!!!!!!!!
OTHER THAN THAT WOODS MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

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